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Print this pageForward this document  Changing passwords

DT Max users can change their own passwords and should do so on a regular basis for higher security.

When changing a password, you are first asked to re-enter your current password. This prevents unauthorized users from changing the password on a computer left unattended. After entering the current password accurately, you will type in the new password that you wish to use. Note that the passwords you enter are never displayed on the screen. When done, click OK to save your new password or Cancel to abandon the change and start over, or to retain the old password.

A password can consist of any non blank combination of letters and numbers, up to six characters long. To ensure the security of your password, you should avoid obvious choices (such as names of family members) and should not write the password down anywhere.

If you forget your password at any time, your system supervisor alone can find out what it is. However, a system supervisor who forgets his own password would have to contact DT Tax and Accounting for help.

April 19, 1999